Words in Alphabetical Order

Putting words in alphabetical order can be a fun and helpful way to organize words! When we put words in alphabetical order, we arrange them according to the letters in the words. This helps us find words quickly and easily!

First, we look at the first letter of each word. We compare the first letters, and the word with the first letter that comes first in the alphabet goes first. For example, “apple” comes before “banana” because “a” comes before “b” in the alphabet.

If the first letters are the same, we look at the second letter, and then the third letter, and so on until we find the difference. For example, “cat” comes before “cup” because “a” comes before “u” in the alphabet.

Let’s practice putting some words in alphabetical order! Here are some words: dog, ball, apple, cat, elephant.

First, we look at the first letters of each word: a, b, a, c, e. “Apple” comes before “ball” because “a” comes before “b.” Then, “apple” comes before “cat” because “a” comes before “c.” Next, “cat” comes before “dog” because “c” comes before “d.” Lastly, “dog” comes before “elephant” because “d” comes before “e.” So, the words in the correct order are: apple, ball, cat, dog, elephant.

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