HomeQuizzesWeight Measurement Quiz 1Tags:math quizzes, measurement, ounces, pounds, weight measurementWeight Measurement Quiz 1 Quizzes 0% 0 votes, 0 avg 1 Weight Measurement (“lb” and “oz”) 1 / 10 1.What should be the weight on the other side of the scale so that it goes down if one side has a weight of 2 pounds? A. 2 pounds B. 3 pounds C. 1 pound 2 / 102. Which fruit is the lightest? A. 2 B. 1 C. 3 3 / 103.Which of the following can be weighed to find its mass? A. Deodorant B. Water Vapor C. Watermelon 4 / 104. Jack is 20 pounds lighter than Julia. If Jack is 80 pounds, how many pounds do they both weigh? A. 180 B. 160 C. 140 5 / 105.One pound equals --------- ounces. A. 15 B. 20 C. 16 6 / 106. Which professional uses scales while doing his/her job? A. Carpenter B. Tailor C. Grocer 7 / 107.How much should a person pay the seller when he buys 3 pounds of peanuts, whose 1 pound costs $ 6? A. $18 B. $6 C. $2 8 / 108. The sum of the weights of Jessica and Oliva is 145 pounds. If Jesica is 70 lb, how many pounds does Amy weigh? A. 65 B. 75 C. 85 9 / 109.Which of the following is not a weight-measuring instrument? A. Weighbridge B. Meter C. Scales 10 / 1010.Which animal is the heaviest? A. 3 B. 1 C. 2 Your score isThe average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Send feedback Share WhatsApp Tweet Related Posts Exponential Numbers- Basic Level Q1 Human Body – Internal Organs Q1 Parts of the Face Quiz 1 Shadow Matching – Kids’ Stuff Quiz 1Leave a Reply Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.