When rounding decimal fractions, look at the first digit to the right of the digit to be rounded. If this digit is greater than or equal to 5, the number in the digit to be rounded is increased by 1 and the other numbers to the right of this digit are discarded. If it is less than 5, the digit to be rounded does not change and the other numbers to the right of this digit are discarded.
- Let’s round the 7.48Â to the nearest tenth.
The first right digit here is 8. As it is greater than 5, we increase the number 4 by 1 and the rounded number becomes 7.5.
- Let’s round the 1.32 to the nearest tenth.
The first right digit here is 2. As it is less than 5, we don’t change the number 3 and the rounded number becomes 1.3.