HomeQuizzesCompare the Number of Fish Quiz 1Tags:bigger number, comparing numbers, comparing quiz, counting, counting quiz, equals, homeschooling, less than, math, math for kids, math questions, math questions and answers, more than, online quizzesCompare the Number of Fish Quiz 1 Quizzes0% 0 votes, 0 avg 5 Compare the Number of Fish 1 / 101. Count and compare the numbers of fish. Yellow fish are --------------------red fish. A. equal to B. more than C. less than 2 / 102. Count and compare the numbers of fish. Red fish are -------------------- yellow fish. A. equal to B. more than C. less than 3 / 103. Count and compare the numbers of fish. Yellow fish are --------------------red fish. A. equal to B. more than C. less than 4 / 104. Count and compare the numbers of fish. Red fish are --------------------yellow fish. A. equal to B. more than C. less than 5 / 105. Count and compare the numbers of fish. Yellow fish are -------------------- red fish. A. equal to B. more than C. less than 6 / 106. Count and compare the numbers of fish. Red fish are -------------------- yellow fish. A. equal to B. more than C. less than 7 / 107. Count and compare the numbers of fish. Red fish are --------------------yellow fish. A. equal to B. more than C. less than 8 / 108. Count and compare the numbers of fish. Red fish are -------------------- yellow fish. A. equal to B. more than C. less than 9 / 109. Count and compare the numbers of fish. Yellow fish are -------------------- red fish. A. equal to B. more than C. less than 10 / 1010. Count and compare the numbers of fish. Yellow fish are -------------------- red fish. A. equal to B. more than C. less than Your score isThe average score is 64% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Send feedback Share WhatsApp Tweet Related Posts Missing Letters – Body Parts Quiz 1 Sense Organs – Ears Quiz 1 Choose the Correct Antonym Quiz 1 Three Digit Addition Quiz 1